No, I'm not joking!
As an author myself, I understand that most of us are shy, introverted, and perhaps a bit reclusive so the idea of making videos can be terrifying. In addition, I, personally am not happy with how I look on video and am not entirely in love with the sound of my voice.
The fact remains, video and especially Youtube offers us, as authors, billions of potential readers who are searching for videos every day!
The video book trailer is almost a must now and can be easily created for free using software that already exists on your computer. Windows Movie Maker, for example, allows you to create a video that includes stills, motion, narration, music, and text.
Short is good! Video viewers are "drive by" viewers. They don't want to stay and gawk. You need to catch their attention with a good teaser and give them a call to action. One minute or less is ideal. If you must have more, a minute and a half should be your maximum video length.
What do you want your viewer to do after watching your trailer? Visit your website? Buy your book via your Amazon link? Subscribe to your Youtube Channel or newsletter? You decide and make the call to action part of the video. (The end..obviously)
What else can you do with your Youtube Channel?
Announce book signings, events and appearances
Read sample chapters of your book
Show off your new book covers
Announce your preorder or book launch
Go visit a location that is important to your book
Introduce a character or characters
Take about your writing process, ask for title or content suggestions, and document your journey through short vlogs
Make your own podcast. Interview another author, cover artist, or editor
Introduce readers to the music that inspires your writing
The possibilities are endless but the idea is to allow readers to get to know you and your work on a more intimate level.
Now, get out there and start experimenting with video!
Just imagine...if one of your videos goes viral, you could be a best selling author, get a movie deal for your book, or find your calling as the next reality star!
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